• Embedded Systems Design Using the TI MSP430 Series (Embedded Technology)

    Embedded Systems Design Using the TI MSP430 Series (Embedded Technology)

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    Learn about designing, programming, and developing with the popular new Texas Instruments family of microcontrollers, the MSP430 series with this new book from Chris Nagy. This product line is experiencing explosive growth due to its low-power consumption and powerful features, but very little design and application information is available other than what is offered by the manufacturer. The book fills a gap in the technical literature for embedded systems engineers by offering a more complete combination of technical data, example code, and descriptive prose than is available from the manufacturer reference information, and is useful to both professionals and hobbyists. Intended for embedded engineers who are new to the embedded field, or for the thousands of engineers who have experience with other microcontrollers (such as PICs, 8051s, or Motorola HC0x devices) but are new to the MSP430 line, Chris Nagy offers a thorough and practical description of the device features,…

  • Systems Approach to Computer-Integrated Design and Manufacturing

    Systems Approach to Computer-Integrated Design and Manufacturing

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    To survive in globally competitive markets manufacturers are going to have to develop a system for mass customization of products. This valuable resource is designed to prepare readers for the future by training them in the latest technologies and processes in the areas of design, manufacturing, and tools of integration.

  • CAD/CAM Theory and Practice

    CAD/CAM Theory and Practice

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    This text is suitable for an introduction to CAD/CAM taught in departments of mechanical engineering. The book combines a good balance of the three main ingredients of CAD/CAM: computer science, engineering design and applications, and industrial implementations and technology.

  • OpenVMS System Management Guide

    OpenVMS System Management Guide

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    OpenVMS System Management Guide

  • OpenVMS Performance Management

    OpenVMS Performance Management

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    This book is intended to assist those searching for guidance in OPENVMS performance management and application design. A variety of performance related topics are discussed and guidelines are given, with examples on how to relieve specific problems. In this way, the reader can evaluate each technique and decide if it is applicable to their environment or not.

  • Information Tasks

    Information Tasks

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    The user-centered approach is central to the creation of usable information systems, services, and institutions. Information system design should derive from user research into information needs, tasks accomplished in meeting those needs, and resources used in the tasks. Information Tasks summarizes user research, then presents design sketches of systems that illustrate how design is linked to research. Also discussed are usable information services and an overview of the organization and economics of information institutions. This comprehensive user-centered approach provides an agenda for information research, design, and education that challenges many accepted beliefs and suggests new directions for information work. Information Tasks is of interest to library and information science students and faculty interested in information storage and retrieval, user studies, and systems analysis design. Students and scholars of human factors in systems design, human-computer…

  • Alpha Architecture Reference Manual

    Alpha Architecture Reference Manual, Third Edition (HP Technologies)

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    Alpha Architecture Reference Manual, Third Edition is the authoritative reference on the definition of Alpha architecture. Revised by the Alpha Architecture Committee, this book contains a complete description of the common architecture required of all implementations and describes the interfaces to support the Windows NT, Digital UNIX, and OpenVMS operating systems. The third edition reflects the latest implementations of the architecture, including the 21164A, 21164PC, and 21264. Some of the extensions to the architecture and the enhancement to the technical content include: new byte and word load, store and sign-extend operations; new multimedia instructions; new population enumeration and floating-point square root instructions; new instructions to improve data cache efficiency and updated Windows NT section. The Alpha chip is the fastest chip on the marketplace today. It runs Windows NT, UNIX and OpenVMS operating systems. New base-level server configurations…

  • OpenVMS Alpha Internals and Data Structures

    OpenVMS Alpha Internals and Data Structures

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    OpenVMS Alpha Internals and Data Structures

  • OpenVMS Operating System Concepts

    OpenVMS Operating System Concepts

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    OpenVMS Operating System Concepts

  • Адаптивный код на C#. Проектирование классов и интерфейсов

    Адаптивный код на C#. Проектирование классов и интерфейсов, шаблоны и принципы SOLID

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    Об авторе Гэри Маклин Холл является опытным разработчиком приложений на платформе .NET корпорации Microsoft и специализируется на применении проектных шаблонов, уделяя особое внимание написанию кода, способного адаптироваться к изменениям. В этой книге рассматриваются практические вопросы гибкой разработки адаптивного кода с помощью проектных шаблонов и принципов SOLID: единственной ответственности, открытости-закрытости, подстановки Лисков, разделения интерфейса, внедрения зависимостей. В ней рассматривается организация процесса гибкой разработки приложений на C# по методике Scrum, выявление зависимостей и эффективного управления ними, программирование интерфейсов, применение шаблонов и исключение антишаблонов, модульное тестирование и реорганизация кода. Передовые методики и приемы гибкой разработки приспосабливающегося к изменениям кода обсуждаются на конкретных примерах, а в конце книги — на практическом примере отдельного проекта. Книга рассчитана на читателей,…

  • Power Supply Cookbook

    Power Supply Cookbook

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    Power Supply Cookbook, Second Edition provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step design framework for a wide variety of power supplies. With this book, anyone with a basic knowledge of electronics can create a very complicated power supply design in less than one day. With the common industry design approaches presented in each section, this unique book allows the reader to design linear, switching, and quasi-resonant switching power supplies in an organized fashion. Formerly complicated design topics suchas magnetics, feedback loop compensation design, and EMI/RFI control are all described in simple language and design steps. This book also details easy-to-modify design examples that provide the reader with a design template useful for creating a varietyof power supplies. This newly revised edition is a practical, «start-to-finish» design reference. It is organized to allow both seasoned and inexperienced engineers to quickly find and apply the information they need. Features…

  • Интерфейс. Основы проектирования взаимодействия

    Интерфейс. Основы проектирования взаимодействия

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    Алан Купер начал работу над первым изданием этой книги 20 лет назад. Он убеждал программистов в том, что пришла пора шагнуть навстречу пользователям и начать писать программы, которые будут им нравиться. В наши дни сложилась совершенно иная ситуация — оцифровка всех видов информации заставила пользователей с головой окунуться в новые технологии. Четвертое издание книги учитывает все изменения в отрасли, произошедшие за последние семь лет, с сохранением всех идей из предыдущих изданий, не потерявших актуальности. Проектирование взаимодействия — это ориентированный на человека подход проектирования интерактивных цифровых продуктов, сред, систем и сервисов. Много внимания уделено проектированию поведения — аспекту, которым традиционные дисциплины проектирования нередко пренебрегают. В этой книге во главу угла ставится целеориентированный подход, при котором основное внимание проектировщиков концентрируется на целях пользователей (то есть на причинах, по которым те…
