Iptables Tutorial 1.2.2

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Hashlimit match

This is a modified version of the Limit match. Instead of just setting up a single token bucket, it sets up a hash table pointing to token buckets for each destination IP, source IP, destination port and source port tuple. For example, you can set it up so that every IP address can receive a maximum of 1000 packets per second, or you can say that every service on a specific IP address may receive a maximum of 200 packets per second. The hashlimit match is loaded by specifying the -m hashlimit keywords.

Each rule that uses the hashlimit match creates a separate hashtable which in turn has a specific max size and a maximum number of buckets. This hash table contains a hash of either a single or multiple values. The values can be any and/or all of destination IP, source IP, destination port and source port. Each entry then points to a token bucket that works as the limit match.

Table 10-16. Hashlimit match options

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